Living Breath

What is Pranayama (Breath Control)-(Breathing Practices)

breath exercise - pranayama

The practices purify the autonomic nervous system of our body,  effecting and aiding in the function of the internal organs and blood stream. Harmony and balance are brought to the left and right of our body and brain (yin and yang), clearing the obstacles which attempt to block one from deep meditation.

1. Nauli and Udhyana Bandha
– Cleansing Exercise directed toward digestion, the internal organs and breath retention. 
2. Simhasana (Lion’s Pose)
3. Kapalabhati (Skull Shining)
– It helps to cleanse the lungs, sinuses, and respiratory system which can help to prevent illness and allergies.
4. Nadi Sudi (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
– Strengthens the lungs, Improves blood circulation, Increases energy, Calms the nervous system & mind.
5. and more to share……