Photo by Erik Lee

Be Free, Stay as the Freedom within.
Come to see what you truly are beyond your mind or body.
We will guide you to the Awakening of Nirvana, so that you will live freely and joyfully, with the wisdom of Love for the Light………..

Anand Ashvattha

The Key is Qi.
Anand Ashvattha has been utilizing Qi Energy for healing since she was a child. Her first teacher of energy work was her mother, Kimiko, who is a master of Qi Energy Healing and was brought to Healing Masters in Japan.

In 2000, She had spiritual realization of What you give is what you receive, the Law of the universe. In 2013, she experienced an unexpected spiritual awakening and realized, “I am not an identity, nor my name, nor even a woman. I am the True-self. The place of True Freedom, Peace and Joy. The Love that I have been looking for……….. and I see the divine light within all human bodies, and all in the present as one”…….. as a near death experience that sees Nirvana.

In 2015, she peeled off the final layer of the mind, and experienced complete Nothingness – 無 (Just being as True-Self). Since then, she has been guiding people to meet The True-Freedom within. She has also learned Hatha Yoga from her husband, Yogi, Anandabhairava. She has offered of teaching donation based classes at the Guardian Life Insurance Company for employees for 4 years. 4 Years of running Self-Realization events/Meditation classes at Awakening NY; 8 years at Sixth Street Community Center. And she has been leading Self-Realization Retreats in the USA since 2018, the Yoga Teacher Training Retreats since 2019. Now, she teaches Self-Realization through Satsang, Meditation, Jitai-Chiyu(Self Body Healing), Hatha Yoga, Tabidachi Departure (Simulated Experience of Death), Healing Food Workshops, and leads Self-Realization Retreats in both the US and Japan.

“Trust and Love. Fly to the Light. Climb up high until you see the Holy Sight. “- Anand Ashvattha



Anandabhairava had a definitive meeting in1988 with Swami Satchidananda, founder of The Integral Yoga Institute, after having spent several years studying the various religions of this world. This meeting began his Path to Yoga. In 1996 he met Sadguru Sri Mahayogi Paramahamsa, founder of the Mahayogi Yoga Mission. Both Sri Satchidananda and Sri Mahayogi profess and hold the knowledge of Raja Yoga, the 8-limbed Royal Path, utilizing a Traditional form of Hatha Yoga for the third limb (asana/postures). Adopting the methods given to him by Sri Mahahyogi, Anandabhairava has been offering teachings for the past 23 years. This includes a donation based community class for the past 22 years and running at The Sixth Street Community Center in NYC; 4 years for the Mahayogi Yoga Mission; 8 years at Awakening NY; 8 years at Greenhouse Holistic; 3 years for the Multiple Sclerosis Society with members who were either wheelchair bound, had chair ability, or were mat capable; 2 years at the Kearny Correctional Facility with incarcerated women; 2 years at the Earth School with primary school children; 2 years at AHRP with persons mentally handicapped and their training of staff; and 5 years at the Guardian Life Insurance Company for employees. Currently, he is running Community Hatha classes at the Sixth Street Community Center in NYC, and PIT Space in Brooklyn, and is booked for private sessions. He also teaches at Retreats in NY State and Montana.